touch your heart.
and your soul.
and mold your life into a beautiful sculpture of love and hope.
i have been lucky to find those people.
who are always there for me.
who i know won't leave my side.
they are my inspirations and my brilliance.
the fact that their smiles can light up a room and my mind.
is a rare thing.
i love them for their faults, for their slight imperfections, and for their perfect hearts.
it hurts to drive away from them, but i know that the road always leads back.
that they are my compass.
and for this i am eternally grateful, and internally as well.
love is not something to take lightly.
and it's not something that comes easily.
but it is precious.
so let's continue this ride.
i'm not getting off anytime soon.
and my detours always end up leading me home.
and your soul.
and mold your life into a beautiful sculpture of love and hope.
i have been lucky to find those people.
who are always there for me.
who i know won't leave my side.
they are my inspirations and my brilliance.
the fact that their smiles can light up a room and my mind.
is a rare thing.
i love them for their faults, for their slight imperfections, and for their perfect hearts.
it hurts to drive away from them, but i know that the road always leads back.
that they are my compass.
and for this i am eternally grateful, and internally as well.
love is not something to take lightly.
and it's not something that comes easily.
but it is precious.
so let's continue this ride.
i'm not getting off anytime soon.
and my detours always end up leading me home.